Cleared LIE with 74.25%. Your study materials really helped a lot. Thanks for your guidance and support 🙏
Amrit Raj
SureShot IP Participant
Very informative and easily understandable way of teaching.
SureShot IP Participant
Excellent quality program
SureShot IP Participant
Dr. Ashish Makhija is not just incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, but also remarkably humble and helpful. It’s been a pleasure going through the course with him. His focus on truly understanding and teaching the concepts is what makes him stand out. Thank you, Sir, for making the learning experience so enriching!
Mahendra Sureka
SureShot IP Participant
Excellent and very well organised program
Shyam Agrawal
SureShot IP Participant
I’m incredibly grateful to Sir for the session. It was one of the best on the IBC and it truly helped me understand how to approach studying for the exam.
Viswanathan V
SureShot IP Participant
Excellent program
SureShot IP Participant
Excellent way of teaching
Arvind Saxena
SureShot IP Participant
Excellent experience
Debdut Datta
SureShot IP Participant
I am so glad that I took a decision to attend this course. Prior to this, I was thinking of buying a book and try my hand on it. Trust me, I would have never got the courage to even attempt the exam, keep aside clearing the exam. Everything has been well planned, so smooth, and punctual to its second. Ashish Sir is an inspiration, and I loved attending all my modules. I have told Sir in the chat box that he is my “sarthi” on my journey to my new career. With folded hands, I submit my gratitude to Ashish Sir and wish to keep in touch with him always.
Anurag Aggarwal
SureShot IP Participant