Submit Article
At Tranzission, we are committed to enriching the discourse on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law in India through high-quality publications on our website. We invite authors to submit articles on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and analyses of relevant case laws and other pertinent insights into the domain.
Submission Criteria
Content: Articles should focus on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law in India, including significant case laws, amendments, theoretical explorations, and practical insights. We encourage submissions that provide value through depth of analysis, originality, and timeliness.
Word Limit: Submissions must be concise and impactful, not exceeding 1550 words in length.
Summary: Each submission must include a summary of 100-150 words that highlights the main arguments and conclusions of the article. This summary will help readers quickly ascertain the article’s value and focus.
Format: All articles must be submitted in PDF format. Please ensure that your document is proofread and formatted according to a professional standard.
Originality: We accept only original works that have not been published elsewhere. By submitting an article to Tranzission, the author confirms that the work is their own and has not been copied from other sources.
Exclusivity: By submitting your article, you grant Tranzission exclusive publication rights. Once published with us, the article should not appear in any other publication in any form.
Editing: Tranzission reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, grammar, and coherence without altering the author’s original intent. Authors will be consulted on substantial content changes.
Liability: Tranzission assumes no liability for any inaccuracies in content or any copyright infringement committed by the authors. Responsibility for the content of the article lies solely with the author(s).
Submission Process: Authors are invited to submit their articles here. Please include a brief bio (50-100 words) with your submission that may be published alongside your article.
Review Process: Each submission will undergo a review process by our editorial team. Authors can expect a response within four weeks of submission. We appreciate your patience as we carefully review each submission to maintain high publication standards.
No Compensation: As a policy, Tranzission does not offer monetary compensation for articles published on our website. Authors benefit from exposure to our wide readership deeply interested in insolvency and bankruptcy matters.
Citation of Resources: Authors must provide full citations for any resources referenced in their article, whether online or offline. This includes books, articles, case studies, websites, and any other relevant materials. Proper citations not only enhance the credibility of your work but also allow readers to further explore the topic.
No Prior Publication: Articles submitted to Tranzission must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. This ensures the uniqueness and freshness of content provided to our readers.
Acknowledgment of Authors: All articles will be fully accredited to their authors. We respect and recognize your contributions and ensure that credit is duly given. Authors should include their full name, professional affiliations, and any other information that establishes their expertise in the field with their submissions.
Annual Review and Recognition: Tranzission annually honors exceptional contributions to our platform. Each year, the Tranzission team reviews all published articles and shortlists ten standout pieces. These are then reviewed by an independent panel of judges, who select the winner. This accolade recognizes the profound impact, original insight, and overall excellence in legal writing.
Eligibility for the Prize: To be eligible for the prize, articles must be published within the current year and meet the highest standards of scholarly and practical relevance. The winner will be announced on our website and will receive a certificate of recognition along with a special feature about their work.
Adherence to Guidelines: By submitting your article to Tranzission, you affirm adherence to these guidelines. We are committed to maintaining a high standard of scholarly integrity and originality in all published content.